Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DAY 2 - The day before INTERNSHIP!

We woke up late...REAL LATE..cause we gamed till the wee hours of the morning the night before! :) so we went for our first McDonal's experience in front of AMK Hub! after a trip to Maybank, we then headed to Orchard to look for CIMB so that wazir can withdraw some cash.. too bad for him, their server crashed and the system was down! hAHAHAHHA sry wazzir! :D... we just walked around Orchard! :D

Morning faces

And MORE morning faces

The McD Experience!.. chilly sauce is better than Malaysia!

Orchard's Busy Streets

Eddie's Christmas Sprit

And Eigen's

CIMB server was down! haha

$1 Wafer Ice Cream (along Orchard)

King and Henry and gang called to join them for a BBQ & Steamboat Dinner at Bugis... food was GOOD! like seriously... well.. other customers weren't very considerate as they always hogged the crabs and salmon.. other than that... it was worth every single cent of the $20 spent! :D

Steamboat & BBQ Dinner with Taylor's Gang

Sry wazir ! =.= :(

Oh nom nom nom...

Killer Dish for the night!

Main Main Masak

Impatiently Waiting

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